Bread: What we are baking

We opened a school micro bakery - Breadcuation! Thanks to support from Wildfarmed and Natoora we were able to install our new Rackmaster 2020 bread oven in the kitchen. We bake enough bread to feed our school on a daily basis and then we share it with our wider community every Friday. We bake our signature sourdough, focaccia and cinnamon/fruit buns every week as well as baking some special feature loaves and buns on a seasonal basis. Our students learn all the steps of the bakery process: from maintaining the culture to shaping the bread, baking it and marketing it. We use flour made from the same variety of wheat we grew in our very own wheat ‘field’ so that we can showcase the whole process from seed to loaf as well as educating our community about the environmental and health benefits of creating the perfect loaf. Watch this space for more updates on Breaducation …




Wheat: What we’re doing